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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0018 CIM200 - 9.0-CUSTOMER SUPPORT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0022 CIM200 - NFV-CUSTOMER SUPPORT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0012 G610-UNIVERSAL MEDIA GATEWAY BASIC
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0014 SBC10-SBC OVERVIEW
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0015 GVPP10-GENVIEW PROVISIONING AND PORTALS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0016 KL15-KANDY LINK OPERATIONS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0017 SPIDR15-SPIDR OPERATIONS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0046 C1521-C15 BUSINESS VOIP CONF
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0018 C1520-C15 LINES ADMINISTRATION
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0022 GMS15 - RIBBON MEDIA SERVER OPERATIONS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0261 RP15 - RIBBON PROTECT SUPPORT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0272 PSX36 - RIBBON PSX CLOUD SUPPORT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-BLACK BLACK-12 MO UNLIMITED SELF PACED
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-OMNI OMNI-12 MONTH UNLIMITED SELF PACED
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0274 SBCC22 - SBC CORE CLOUD SUPPORT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0275 C3G916 - - IMS TRANSCODING SOLUTION
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0273 REMS17 - RIBBON EMS CLOUD SUPPORT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0062 AS21-COMS APP SERVER (AS)
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0059 IMM20-INTELLIGENT MESSAGING MANAGER
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0021 GMS16 - MEDIA SERVER OPERATIONS