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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0257 VNFM15-GENBAND VNF (VFM) IOA&M
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0110 SST16-C20 ON GENIUS/RMS - SST PROV
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0114 UXLA37-C20 UNIVERSAL TRANSLATIONS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0003 C1515-C15 OPS, MTCE AND FLT MANAGEMENT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0010 C1535-C15 TRANSLATIONS - PUBLIC SEAT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0130 SPBX15-C20 - SIP-PBX TRUNK PROVISIONING
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0025 QSBC15-SBC AND GENVIEW-RSM FUND, O&M
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0028 QSBC25-SBC REC, SEC & TS - PUBLIC SEAT
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0138 GBM15-GENVIEW BILLING AND MEDIATION
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PUBLIC-0031 QSBC26-SBC ADVANCED CONF&OPS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-EXAM-0001 CERTIFICATION EXAM
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-FOLLOWUP-0003 TRAINING FOLLOW UP -1 DAY
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0011 SPBX16-AS SA SIP PBX TRUNKING CONF
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-PRIVATE-0014 SPBX17-SPBX MANAGER
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0003 WMM10-WIRELESS MOBILITY MANAGER (WMM)
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0004 C1511-C15 PRODUCT OVERVIEW
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0006 GEN11-C20 ON GENIUS SOLUTION OVERVIEW
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0007 NPM35-CVOIP: NETWORK PATCH MANAGER
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0008 OSSG20-C20 - OSSGATE AND SERVORD+
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SRV-EDU-SPEL-0010 C310-C3 SIGNALING CONTROLLER OVERVIEW