(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Lexmark C340X10 C340X10 Black EHY Toner Crtrdg
Lexmark C340X20 C340X20 Cyan EHY Toner Cartrdg
Lexmark C340X30 C340X30 Magenta EHY Tnr Crtrdg
Lexmark C340X40 C340X40 Yellow EHY TonerCrtrdg
Lexmark C341XC0 C341XC0 Cyan EHY RtrnTnr Crtrg
Lexmark C341XK0 C341XK0 Blk EHY RtrnTnr Crtrg
Lexmark C341XM0 C341XM0 Mgnt EHY RtrnTnr Crtrg
Lexmark C341XY0 C341XY0 Ylw EHY RtrnTnr Crtrg
Lexmark C746H1KG C746 C748 BLK HY Rtrn Tnr Cart
Lexmark C746H2KG C746 C748 Black HY Toner Cart
Lexmark E260X22G Photoconductor Kit
Lexmark T650H11A T65X High Yield Cartridge