(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Lexmark C240X20 Lexmark C240X20 Cyan Extra HY
Lexmark C240X30 Lexmark C240X30 Mgnta Extra HY
Lexmark C240X40 Lexmark C240X40 Ylw Extra HY
Lexmark C241XC0 Lexmark C241XC0 Cyan EHY Toner
Lexmark C241XK0 Lexmark C241XK0 Blk EHY Toner
Lexmark C241XM0 Lexmark C241XM0 Mgnta EHY Tonr
Lexmark C241XY0 Lexmark C241XY0 Yllw EHY Toner
Lexmark C250U10 Lexmark C250U10 Black Ultra HY
Lexmark C251UK0 Lexmark C251UK0 Blk EHY Toner
Lexmark C320020 Lexmark C320020 Cyan CRTG
Lexmark C320030 Lexmark C320030 Magenta CRT
Lexmark C320040 Lexmark C320040 Yellow CRTG
Lexmark C3210C0 Lexmark C3210C0 Cyan Rtrn Tonr
Lexmark C3210K0 Lexmark C3210K0 Blk Rtrn Tonr
Lexmark C3210M0 Lexmark C3210M0 Mgta Rtrn Tonr
Lexmark C3210Y0 Lexmark C3210Y0 Ylw Rtrn Toner
Lexmark C331HC0 Lexmark C331HC0 Cyan HY Print
Lexmark C331HK0 Lexmark C331HK0 Black HY Print
Lexmark C331HM0 LexmarkC331HM0 Magnta HY Print
Lexmark C331HY0 LexmarkC331HY0 Yellow HY Print