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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Veritas Technologies LLC 25099-M0033 NBU 5340 240TB 8TB STOR DISK UPG 3YR AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 25099-M0021 NBU 5340 240TB 8TB STOR DISK UPG 2YR AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 25099-M4213 NBU 5340 240TB 8TB STOR UPG 48MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 32151-M0008 BE SIMPLE CORE WIN 5 INSTANCE 12MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 32152-M0009 BE SIMPLE ADD ON WIN 1 INSTANCE 12MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 29311-M4217 NBU APPL 5350 240T 8T DR STOR 60MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 10697-M0020 BUS CRIT NAMED CRIT NBU BDL 24MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29229-M0033 NBU APPL 5350 240TB C 8TB DR FC 36MO AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 29282-M0032 NBU APPL 5350 120TB 4TB DR 36MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29137-M4219 NBU APPL 5350 720T B 4T DR FC 60MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 26113-M4212 FLEX 5150 15TB 2 10GBASET ETH 48MO AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 30783-M0020 EDISCOV CAP STE PPAR 100GB 24MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 26111-M0033 FLEX 5150 15TB 4 1GB ETH STD ESS 36MO AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 28782-M1 NBU FLEX SCALE FOR 4-8N S/W DEPL CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 18825-M0033 BUS CRIT PART TIME BUS CRIT BDL 36MO AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 10701-M0009 BUS CRIT PART TIME ENT VAULT 12MO AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 26109-M4219 ACC 3340 255TB 4TB EXP STD BDL 60MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 27531-M3 EDISCOVERY PLATF DEPL GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 24652-M1-3C VER STD 3YR ACC 3340 255TB 4TB EXP CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29402-M0009 NBU APPL 5350 480TB EXP SHELF 12MO AE