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With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Veritas Technologies LLC 32091-M4212 INFOSCALE ENT CLOUD ESS MAINT 48MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 26866-M0008 NBU APPL 5250 140T EXTND APPL S 12M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30588-M4219 FLEX APPL 5350HA 360TB C-W/ 4TB 60M GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 24697-M1-25 ESS 36 MO RNWL BE BRONZE WIN 10 CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31418-M4211 NBU IT ANALYTICS STOR SUPP 48MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 17703-M0008 BCS DEDI REM SPECIAL RESIL INIT 1YR CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 17704-M0020 BCS REM SPECIAL RESIL BDL INIT 2YR CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29747-M2-1E ESSEN APPL SUP 60MO NBU APPL 5250 75TB
Veritas Technologies LLC 26011-M0034 INFOSCALE STOR STD LIC 36MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 26011-M0020 INFOSCALE STOR STD LIC 24MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 26007-M4217 INFOSCALE FOUND XPLAT 1 CORE 60MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 28884-M4219 MERGE1 STD YAMMER 1 CONN STD 60MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 28949-M4218 MERGE1 CHATTER CIPHER CLOUD 1 60MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 28878-M4219 MERGE1 WORKPLACE FROM FACEBOOK 60MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 18008-M0008 DLO WIN 10U ONPREMISE ESS INIT 1YR CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 28863-M4212 MERGE1 TEXT DELIMITED 1 CONN 48MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 18009-M0032 DLO WIN 100U ONPREMISE ESS INIT 3YR CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 26744-M4217 FLEX S/W 5340 240TB ESS MNT BDL 5YR CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31356-M4218 NBU IT ANALYTICS SVCS ED MAINT 60MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 31396-M4218 NBU IT ANALYTICS PROTEC MAINT 60MO ACD