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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Veritas Technologies LLC 29636-M4218 NBU APPL 5250 206TB F-4 STD 60MO
Veritas Technologies LLC 29652-M4219 NBU APPL 5250 271TB A-4 HW STD 60MO GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 29537-M0032 NBU APPL 5250 STOR HW UPG 36MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29593-M4219 NBU APPL 5250 140TB B-4 HW STD 60MO GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 24361-M0032 INFOSCALE AVAIL STD ESS LIC 36MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31357-M0020 NBU IT ANALYTICS STD SUPPT 24MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31329-M0022 BCS PREMIER NBU IT ANALYTICS 24MO GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 31300-M0032 NBU FLEX SCALE DELL 1 TB SUPPT 36MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29749-M2-1C ESSEN APPL SUP 36MO NBU APPL 5250 206TB
Veritas Technologies LLC 31328-M0033 BCS PREMIER NBU IT ANALYTICS 36MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 31410-M4211 NBU IT ANALYTICS STOR SUPP 48MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31409-M0034 NBU IT ANALYTICS STOR MAINT 36MO GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 31389-M4211 NBU IT ANALYTICS PROTEC SUPPT 48MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31397-M0021 NBU IT ANALYTICS PROTEC SUPPT 24MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 29744-M1-3C STD SUP 36 MO NBU APPL 5250 HW CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29753-M2-1E ESS APPL SUP 60MO NBU APPL 5250 75TB C-4
Veritas Technologies LLC 29761-M2-1C ESS APPL SUP 36MO NBU APPL 5250 206TB
Veritas Technologies LLC 31413-M0032 NBU IT ANALYTICS STOR MAINT 36MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31370-M0021 NBU IT ANALYTICSCOMP RAW SUPPT 24MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 29759-M1-1C ESS APPL SUP 36MO NBU 5250 75TB HW CORP