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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Veritas Technologies LLC 23948-M3-1D VER ESS 4YR FLEX 5150 15TB 2 10GETH GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 24633-M0014 DLO SUSTA S/W SUP 10U RNWL 12MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 26116-M0022 FLEX 5150 15TB 2 10GETH STD STD 2YR GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 26246-M0010 FLEX 5340 240TB 8TB STOR UPG 1YR GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 26244-M4211 FLEX 5340HA 240TB 8TB STOR UPG 48MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 26118-M0034 FLEX 5150 15TB 8 1GB ETH STD 36MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 32079-M5564 INFOSCALE CLD XPLAT 1C PERP LIC 12M ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 31061-M0008 MERGE1 PREM MSFT TEAMS 1 U CONN 12M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 25988-M0008 INFOSCALE AVAIL STD LIC 12MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30112-M2-28 ESS 60MO INIT FLEX APPL 5250 75TB A ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 30935-M0032 NBU SAAS PROT ENT 365 EXCHG 36M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 32204-M1-3E VERIFIED 60M NBU APPL 5250 65TB H/W CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 32085-M5558 INFOSCALE FOUND CLD XPLAT 1C 36M ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 32093-M5554 INFOSCALE ENT CLD XPLAT 1 CORE 48M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31989-M4213 INFOSCALE KUBERNETES XPLAT LIC 48M GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 32208-M2-28 ESS 60M FLEX APPL 5250 65TB/256GB ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 31841-M0010 ACC APPL 3350 255TB APPL SUP 12MO GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 31989-M0020 INFOSCALE KUBERNETES XPLAT LIC 24M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30811-M5563 EDISCOVERY PLAT CAP STE 100G 12M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 31421-M4212 NBU IT ANALYTICS STOR MGMT 48MO ACD