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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Veritas Technologies LLC 26259-M0021 DLO WIN 10U STD LIC VERIFIED BDL 2YR AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 30579-M4217 FLEX APPL 5350HA 480TB B-W/ 8TB 60M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30597-M0033 FLEX APPL 5350HA 480TB B-W/ 4TB 36MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 26258-M0022 DLO WIN 100U SUB VERIFIED LIC 2YR GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 32195-M4217 NBU APPL 5250 65TB H/W D UPG 60M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30809-M5562 EDISCOVERY PLAT CAP STE 100G 24M GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 32079-M5560 INFOSCALE CLD XPLAT 1C 24M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 13520-M3-2H VERIFIED SUP 3YR RNWL DLO 100U LIC GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 32079-M5565 INFOSCALE CLD XPLAT 1C PERP LIC 12M GOV
Veritas Technologies LLC 24194-M0473 NBU MGMT 251-500 FETB 15 SVR 24MO ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 24197-M5335 NBU MGMT 50-100 FETB TO 5 SVR 36MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 24196-M5337 NBU MGMT 751-1024 FETB 25 SVR 24MO GOVT
Veritas Technologies LLC 12858-M2-2F VERIFIED 1YR RNWL RECOV VIRT 1 HOST AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 12858-M1-2H VERIFIED 3YR RNWL RECOV VIRT 1 HOST CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30788-M5552 EDISCOVERY PLAT CAP STE 100G 60M ACD
Veritas Technologies LLC 23947-M1-3A VER STD 1YR FLEX 5150 2 10GBASET CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 29922-M4217 FLEX APPL 5250 206T A-4 1GB ENE 60M CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 12423-M2-2G VERIFIED 2YR BE OPT VTL U/L DR 1 DEV AE
Veritas Technologies LLC 24650-M0020 ACC APPL 3340 255TB 4TB DR MNT 24MO CORP
Veritas Technologies LLC 30100-M2 FLEX APPL 52XX SVR W/ SIX STOR SHELV ACD