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With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-BRIFXS-S REVISED SBC 1000 CHASSIS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-FXS REVISED SBC 1000 CHASSIS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-FXS-CL SBC 1000 W/ 4 FXS, 1 MEDIUM DSP
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-SIP-E-CL SBC 1000 W/ SINGLE MEDIUM DSP
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-2P-20FSFO-GW SBC 1000 GATEWAY W/ 1 PRI, 4 FXO, 12 FXS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-PC-IND CORDSET, INDIA IS 6538 INDIA
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-PC-SA CORDSET, SOUTH AFRICA BS546-H05VVF3G1
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-LIC-FXS-GWUPG TOP-UP LICENSE FOR GATEWAY SBC 1000
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-FXS-GW REVISED GATEWAY SBC 1000 CHASSIS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-FXS-GW-HW HW FOR REVISED GATEWAY SBC 1000 CHASSIS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K-R-FXS-GW-SW SW FOR REVISED GATEWAY SBC 1000 CHASSIS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc BLANK-USB GENERAL PURPOSE USB DRIVE FOR SONUS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K2K-WIN12-LIC MS WINDOWS SERVER 2012 LICENSE
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-1K2K-WIN08-LIC MS WINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2 LICENSE
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-2K-CAB-24FXS TELCO MODULE, 24 FXS PORT CABLE
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-2K-CRD-24FXS TELCO MODULE, 24 FXS PORTS
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-2K-CRD-DSP-H ADDITIONAL DSP RESOURCES FOR MEDIA
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-2K-LIC-FORK ENABLES THE SBC CALL FORKING
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-2K-LIC-SBAUG UPGRADE ASM WINDOWS OPTION TO SBA
Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc SBC-2K-LIC100REG PROVIDES 100 LICENSES OF REGISTRAR