(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation MM-79SE-1000 2YR STD MOVEIT MOBILITY BDL FO 2 CONFIG
Progress Software Corporation MM-7E5J-1000 3YR EXTND MOVEIT SEC H/A DISASTER RECOV
Progress Software Corporation MM-1VVQ-1000 UPG MOVEIT FILE SVR LIC FO 2 TO FO 3
Progress Software Corporation WM-6754-0800 WS FTP AD HOC FAILOVER 2-5 1YR WINBACK
Progress Software Corporation MM-5HNY-1000 UPG MOVEIT SEC H/A TO FO 3 CNFG SUB
Progress Software Corporation WR-5117-0800 UPG WS FTP TO SSH + 3YR SUP 2-5 LIC
Progress Software Corporation MM-1214-1000 MOVEIT TRANSFER AD HOC MOD U/L U
Progress Software Corporation FM-7HTW-0900 1YR STD NEVERFAIL V CTR SQL PROT 2 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation FM-7RHM-0900 2YR EXTN NEVERFAIL V CTR HEARTBE PROT 2
Progress Software Corporation MM-54RB-1000 UPG MOVEIT AD HOC U/L U TO FO 2 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MC-3FLV-1000 3YR EXTND SUP FOR MOVEIT AUTOM T1 BDL
Progress Software Corporation MM-7UZD-1000 1YR EXTND MOVEIT SEC REINS FO 3 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MM-7TLP-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT SEC REINS H/A FO 3 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MM-7K5U-1000 2YR STD MOVEIT SEC FOLDER H/A NON PROD
Progress Software Corporation MM-7337-1000 3YR STD MOVEIT TRANSF API H/A NON PROD
Progress Software Corporation MM-7018-1000 1YR EXTND MOVEIT FILE SVR LIC REINS
Progress Software Corporation MM-7SCU-1000 UPG STD EXTN PRORA MOVEIT MOB BDL HA 3
Progress Software Corporation MM-7FAX-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT 1 ADD ORGANIZ RECOV
Progress Software Corporation MM-7D8H-1000 2YR STD MOVEIT AD HOC MOD H/A U/L U FO 2
Progress Software Corporation MM-36CA-1000 MOVEIT TRANSFER TIER 3 BDL DR