(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation 04-57SQ-0160 WU GOLD DIST REM FAILOVER 300 UPG 1K FED
Progress Software Corporation 01-74LM-0160 REINS TO WU GOLD BASICVIEW 100 1YR FED
Progress Software Corporation 01-5NFP-0160 WU GOLD TOTALVIEW +300 UPG TO 2500 FED
Progress Software Corporation 04-54VP-0160 WU GOLD FAILOVER MGR 100 UPG TO 300 FED
Progress Software Corporation NR-5HKC-0170 WUG DIST REM 200 UPG TO PREM 1500
Progress Software Corporation 04-58HR-0160 WU GOLD DIST REM FAILOV 500 UPG 2500 FED
Progress Software Corporation 04-5J6B-0160 WU GOLD FAILOV 200 UPG DIST CENT 300 FED
Progress Software Corporation 04-5CKA-0160 WUG PREM FAILOV 25 UPG DIST CENT 300 FED
Progress Software Corporation 04-5GKY-0160 WUG PREM FAILOV 200UPG DIST CENT 300 FED
Progress Software Corporation 01-5FWU-0160 WU GOLD PREM 100 UPG TO DIST REM 500 FED
Progress Software Corporation 04-7FLH-0160 REINS TO WU GOLD FAILOVER 100 DEV 2Y FED
Progress Software Corporation 01-5RSN-0160 WU GOLD PREM 1000 UPG PROVIEW UNREST FED
Progress Software Corporation 03-6X4Z-0160 WHATSUP GOLD DIST REM 2500 DEV 3YR FED
Progress Software Corporation NR-57EX-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DISTI REM 100 TO REM 2500
Progress Software Corporation 01-5H2Q-0160 WHATSUP GOLD 100 UPG TO DIST REM 100 FED
Progress Software Corporation IO-786V-0700 REINSTATE TO IMACROS PRO W/ 2YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation 01-5UFZ-0160 WU GOLD PREM 1000 UPG TOTALVIEW 2500 FED
Progress Software Corporation 01-5J2G-0300 WHATSCONF STANDALONE 100 UPG UNREST FED
Progress Software Corporation 01-5SEJ-0160 WU GOLD PREM 25 UPG TO TOTALVIEW 300 FED
Progress Software Corporation NC-5L4C-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTR 2500 UPG CENTR 5000