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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation NC-569P-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DISTI CENTRAL 50 UPG TO 500
Progress Software Corporation NC-57FB-0170 WUG DIST CENT 750 UPG TO DIST CENT 1500
Progress Software Corporation NR-7VJQ-0170 REINS TO WUG DIST REM 1500 DEV UPTO 3YR
Progress Software Corporation NA-67GB-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DISTI CENTRAL MGR 25DEV 2YR
Progress Software Corporation IO-67YP-1200 IMACROS DEV EDITION NEW W/ 1YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NC-5CNC-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DISTI CENTRAL 300 TO 1000
Progress Software Corporation NA-5XMF-0170 WHATSUP GOLD REM MGR 500 TO PREM UNREST
Progress Software Corporation NA-5TDY-0170 WHATSUP GOLD REM MGR 300 TO PREM 500
Progress Software Corporation NA-59PB-0170 WHATSUP GOLD REM FAILOVER 100 TO MGR 300
Progress Software Corporation NA-5U7X-0170 WHATSUP PREM MGR 100 TO DIST REM 2500
Progress Software Corporation NA-5PFD-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DISTI REM 300 TO MGR 1000
Progress Software Corporation NM-5BZJ-0170 WUG DIST REM 50 DEV UPG TO + 1500 POINTS
Progress Software Corporation NA-5UQY-0170 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 500 TO MGR UNREST
Progress Software Corporation ETLM_50-S UP TO 50 MONITORED SYS SUB
Progress Software Corporation NR-5XMS-0170 WUG DISTRIBUTED REM 500 UPG TO PREM 500
Progress Software Corporation NA-7G2D-0170 REINS TO WUG DIST REM FO MGR 25 UPTO 2YR
Progress Software Corporation NR-71KR-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DIST REM 50 SVCAGR UPTO 1YR
Progress Software Corporation NA-5ZXC-0170 WHATSUP GOLD MGR 2500 TO DIST REM 2500
Progress Software Corporation NR-5B6D-0170 WHATSUP GOLD DISTI REM 500 TO REM 2500
Progress Software Corporation NR-5FNT-0170 WHATSUP GOLD REM 100 TO CENTRAL 1000