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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation NM-5TAR-0170 WHATSUP GOLD PREM 100 UPG TO TOTAL + 750
Progress Software Corporation 01-7MLK-0160 WU GOLD TOTALVIEW 300 SVCAGR +2YR FED
Progress Software Corporation NA-732X-0170 WUG APP MON 30 SVCAGR W/ UP TO 1YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NC-5U5Q-0170 WUG DIST CENTRAL 300 UPG TO PREM 2500
Progress Software Corporation NA-6JNX-0170 NTWK TRAFFIC ANALY 5 NEW SOURCE 1YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NA-7Q2U-0170 WUG VIRT MON 300 SVCAGR W/ UP TO 3YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NA-6LTD-0170 NTWK TRAFFIC ANALY UNRESTR SOURCE 1Y SVC
Progress Software Corporation NA-5JJM-0170 WUG VIRT MON 50 UPG TO VIRT MON 300
Progress Software Corporation NA-7GBT-0170 WUG VIRT MON UNRESTR SVCAGR UPTO 1YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NM-7RHM-0170 WUG TOTALVIEW 300 SVCAGR UP TO 3YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NM-7J0S-0170 WUG PREM 100 SVCAGR W/ UP TO 2YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation NA-7HTQ-0170 REINS TO WUG APP MON 5 APP W/ 2YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation 02-7YQS-0160 REINS TO WUG DIST CENT 500 DEV 3YR FED
Progress Software Corporation NM-5XCZ-0160 WU GOLD PREM 1000 UPG TO TOTALVIEW +2500
Progress Software Corporation NM-538P-1000 WHATSUP GOLDTAL 1000 UPGTAL PL 5000
Progress Software Corporation NA-54XG-0170 WHATSUP GOLD REM FAILOVER MGR 50 TO 2500
Progress Software Corporation NA-7RFZ-0170 REINS TO WHATSUP MGR 25 PNT UPTO 3YR
Progress Software Corporation NA-5NJK-0170 WHATSUP PREM FAILOVER 200 TO MGR 2500
Progress Software Corporation NA-63AG-0170 WHATSUP GOLD REM FAILOVER UNREST DEV 1YR
Progress Software Corporation NA-5UHL-0170 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 500 TO MGR 2500