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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation MC-1R4W-1000 MOVEIT AUTOMATION ENT FAILOVER API MOD
Progress Software Corporation MM-7VLA-1000 3YR EXTND MOVEIT AD HOC MOD H/A U/L U DR
Progress Software Corporation MR-124R-0200 ANALYTICS BASE PKG INCLUDES 2 AGENTS
Progress Software Corporation MR-7ULQ-0200 3YR EXTND ANALY AGENT CENTRAL NON PROD
Progress Software Corporation MM-5107-1000 UPG AD HOC STANDALONE FR MAX 50U TO U/L
Progress Software Corporation MM-3YSA-1000 UPG MOVEIT TRNSFR TIER 2BDL TO 3BDL NP
Progress Software Corporation MC-5P2E-1000 2YR STD SUP FOR MOVEIT AUTOM ENT LIC
Progress Software Corporation MC-4210-0000 MOVEIT CENTRAL IMPLEMENTATION SVC
Progress Software Corporation MC-586E-1000 UPG STD EXTN PRORA MOVEIT ENT FAIL NP
Progress Software Corporation FM-7UWZ-0900 1YR STD NEVERFAIL ITCE + REINS 2 CONFIG
Progress Software Corporation MC-3KDV-1000 UPG MOVEIT AUTOM T2 BDL TO T3 BDL
Progress Software Corporation MR-77AZ-0200 3YR STD SUP FOR ANALYTICS BASE PKG
Progress Software Corporation MC-5HVL-1000 1YR EXTND SUP MOVEIT AUTOM ENT FAILOVER
Progress Software Corporation WR-7711-0800 1YR SUP FOR WS FTP SVR SSH LIC FAILOVER
Progress Software Corporation MC-1J9U-1000 MOVEIT AUTOM ENT FAILOVER API NON PROD
Progress Software Corporation MC-5ZML-1000 UPG MOVEIT AUTOM ENT ASX TO FO 3 SUB
Progress Software Corporation MC-5UGG-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT AUTOM ENT ASX FO 3 CONFIG
Progress Software Corporation WR-6753-0800 WS FTP CORP FAILOVER 2-5 LIC + 3YR SUP
Progress Software Corporation MM-7960-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT HOC STANDALO 250U REINS
Progress Software Corporation MM-5URM-1000 PRORA STD UPG MOVEIT FILE SVR TO FO 2