(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation NM-7JJY-0180 WHATSUP GOLD TOTAL+ 2500 SVCAGR +2YR SVC
Progress Software Corporation 01-7BQT-0160 WU GOLD BASICVIEW 2500 SVCAGR +1YR FED
Progress Software Corporation NA-552J-0170 WHATSUP GOLD STD FAILOVER 25 TO MGR 1000
Progress Software Corporation NC-5YZZ-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 3500 UPG PREM 5000
Progress Software Corporation NA-7SGU-1000 WHATSUP GOLD VIRTUAL MONITORING 5000 1YR
Progress Software Corporation NR-6S4T-1000 WHATSUP GOLD REM 50 NEW DEV 3YR
Progress Software Corporation NC-5LFX-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTR 3500 UPG CENTR UNREST
Progress Software Corporation NC-55ZV-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 50 UPG CENTRAL 5000
Progress Software Corporation NM-5XHL-1000 WHATSUP GOLD VIRTU 500 UPG VIRTU 3500
Progress Software Corporation NM-73PH-1000 WHATSUP GOLD TOTAL PLUS 50AGR 2YR
Progress Software Corporation NM-5H6V-1000 WHATSUP GOLD TOTAL PLUS 25 UPG TO 3500
Progress Software Corporation NM-6ETK-1000 WHATSUP GOLD TOTAL PLUS 200 NEW POIN 3YR
Progress Software Corporation NM-5XGB-1000 WHATSUP GOLD VIRTU 300 UPG VIRTU 5000
Progress Software Corporation NA-5NPC-0170 WHATSUP GOLD STD FAILOVER 500 TO MGR 500
Progress Software Corporation NC-5CUL-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 75 UPG CENTRAL 1000
Progress Software Corporation NC-5VVM-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 750 UPG PREM 5000
Progress Software Corporation NM-5F4H-1000 WHATSUP GOLD CENTRAL 3500 NEW DEV 1YR
Progress Software Corporation NM-5A9E-1000 WHATSUP GOLD PREM 750 UPG TOTAL PL 5000
Progress Software Corporation NM-5ZQM-1000 WHATSUP GOLD PLUG-IN 75 UPG PLUG-IN 300
Progress Software Corporation NM-56MT-1000 WHATSUP GOLD PREM 75 UPG TO PREM 2500