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With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Progress Software Corporation MH-7GQQ-0000 MOVEIT CLOUD PRO TO PREM UPG 3YR PRORATE
Progress Software Corporation MM-16JA-1000 MOVEIT SEC FOLDER DISASTER RECOV SUB
Progress Software Corporation FM-72UW-0900 1YR EXTN NEVERFAIL V CTR SQL PROT 3 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MC-5JBR-1000 PRORA EXTN UPG MOVEIT AUTO CORP ENT NP
Progress Software Corporation WR-7516-0800 2YR ADD FAILOVER WS FTP WEB TRANSFER MOD
Progress Software Corporation MM-7J3Z-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT SEC FOLDER H/A NON PROD
Progress Software Corporation MM-1204-1000 MOVEIT TRANSFER AD HOC MOD U/L U SUB
Progress Software Corporation FM-7NFZ-0900 1YR EXTND SUP NEVERFAIL ITCE DUAL CONFIG
Progress Software Corporation MM-7255-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT TRANSF AD HOC MOD U/L U
Progress Software Corporation MM-7VRJ-1000 2YR EXTND MOVEIT SEC FOLDR H/A FO 3 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MC-52AA-1000 1YR STD MOVEIT AUTO CORP PGP 10 KEY NP
Progress Software Corporation MM-5TJE-1000 PRORA STD UPG MOVEIT HOC U/L HA TO FO 2
Progress Software Corporation MM-7037-1000 3YR EXTENDED SUP MOVEIT TRANSFER API MOD
Progress Software Corporation MM-7LST-1000 3YR STD MOVEIT 1 ADD ORG FO 3 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MM-7QGU-1000 1YR EXTND MOVEIT SEC REINS FO 2 CNFG
Progress Software Corporation MC-5YLG-1000 PRORA EXTN UPG MOVEIT AUTO ENT API FO 3
Progress Software Corporation MM-7988-1000 1YR EXTN MOVEIT HOC STANDALO 250U REINS
Progress Software Corporation MM-7868-1000 1YR EXTND MOVEIT TRANSF API REINS H/A
Progress Software Corporation MM-52NM-1000 PRORATE EXTND UPG MOVEIT API H/A TO FO 2
Progress Software Corporation MM-7818-1000 1YR EXTND MOVEIT FILE SVR LIC REINS H/A