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With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Polycom, Inc 4872-00973-114 ELITEPREM_OS,RMX1500 BASE 14SD
Polycom, Inc VRSS5000-40 CAPTURE SERVER,40 REC,0 LIVE
Polycom, Inc 4872-20107-112 ELITEPREM,RMX 2000 MPMRX7HD
Polycom, Inc 4877-67267-515 ADV_OS 4H,500 SNGL STND 84IN
Polycom, Inc 4870-65250-312 PREM,GRP 500 EED BNDL
Polycom, Inc 4870-08503-404 PLCM OTD APP,PREM 3Y
Polycom, Inc 4872-40190-112 ELITEPREM,RMX4000 IP90HD AC
Polycom, Inc 4870-00928-114 PREM_OS,RMX 1500 10HD SYS
Polycom, Inc 4872-64250-112 ELITEPREM,GS500 720P EE IV 12X
Polycom, Inc 4877-00926-513 PLMADV_RMX15K5_1Y
Polycom, Inc 4870-70620-112 PREM,SERVER R620
Polycom, Inc 4870-23860-002 ONSITE INSTALL,MEDIALIGN 255
Polycom, Inc 6867-08501-401 PROD MIG FOR SFB CONFERENCING
Polycom, Inc 4877-68505-515 ADV_OS 4HR,300 1TT42 NO CAM
Polycom, Inc 4864-05105-006 RPX/OTX IMPLEMENT TRAIN
Polycom, Inc 4877-65190-535 ADV_OS 4HR,700 2RT55 NO CAM
Polycom, Inc 4877-72142-515 PLMADV_OS4,RME ADD 1000 DEV
Polycom, Inc 4872-65340-114 ELITE PREM OS,GRP 310 EEIV 4X
Polycom, Inc 4877-00934-514 PLMADV_OS_RMX15K30_1Y
Polycom, Inc 4877-00973-515 PLMADV_OS4H_RMX15K14SD_1Y