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With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Microsoft Surface Commercial GFV00001 Surface Pen Tips
Microsoft Surface Commercial GKG00001 SProSignaTypCvrFPRCmM1755 Blk
Microsoft Surface Commercial HFT00001 USB C to VGA Adapter
Microsoft Surface Commercial I4B00017 Srfc Go3 P/4/64 LTE Platinum
Microsoft Surface Commercial I4G00001 Srfc Go3 i3/4/64 LTE Platinum
Microsoft Surface Commercial I4G00017 Srfc Go3 i3/4/64 LTE Platinum
Microsoft Surface Commercial I6P00008 Mdrn USB-C Headset Blk
Microsoft Surface Commercial IX800001 MS Presenter + Comm Black
Microsoft Surface Commercial JTZ00001 Srfc USB-CtoUSB3.0Adpt
Microsoft Surface Commercial JWG00001 Srfc USB-CtoDP Adpt
Microsoft Surface Commercial JWM00001 SrfcUSB-CtoEthUSB3.0 Adapter
Microsoft Surface Commercial KCN00023 Go Type Cover Blk Refresh
Microsoft Surface Commercial KCT00001 Srfc Go Sig TypeCover Plat
Microsoft Surface Commercial KCT00101 Go Type Cover Lt Charcoal
Microsoft Surface Commercial KF100001 Srfc Lptp SE 2C/4/64
Microsoft Surface Commercial KF800001 Srfc Lptp SE 4C/8/128
Microsoft Surface Commercial KGZ00001 Srfc Mobile Mouse Platinum
Microsoft Surface Commercial KGZ00031 Srfc Mobile Mouse Blk
Microsoft Surface Commercial KGZ00041 Surface Mobile Mouse BT
Microsoft Surface Commercial KGZ00051 Srfc Mobile Mouse Poppy Red