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Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00345 CISSTEDCCORE LICSAPK OLV 16LIC D 1Y AQY3
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00346 CISSTEDCCORE SA OLV 16LIC D 1Y AQY3
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00347 SASU OLV 16LIC D 1Y AQY3 CISSTDCORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00374 CISSTEDCCORE SNGL NL 2Y AQY2
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00376 CISSTEDCCORE SA OLV 16LIC NL 2Y AQY2
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00378 SASU OLV 16LIC NL 2Y AQY2 CISSTDCORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00427 CISSTEDCCORE LICSAPK OLV 16LIC D 2Y AQY2
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00428 CISSTEDCCORE SA OLV 16LIC D 2Y AQY2
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00429 SASU OLV 16LIC D 2Y AQY2 CISSTDCORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00434 CISSTEDCCORE SNGL NL 3Y AQY1
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00436 CISSTEDCCORE SA OLV 16LIC NL 3Y AQY1
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00438 SASU OLV 16LIC NL 3Y AQY1 CISSTDCORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00487 CISSTEDCCORE LICSAPK OLV 16LIC D 3Y AQY1
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00488 CISSTEDCCORE SA OLV 16LIC D 3Y AQY1
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00489 SASU OLV 16LIC D 3Y AQY1 CISSTDCORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00566 NL 1Y AQY1 AP W/OSYSCTRSVRLIC CORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00582 NL 1Y AQY2 AP W/OSYSCTRSVRLIC CORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00598 NL 1Y AQY3 AP W/OSYSCTRSVRLIC CORE
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00615 D 1Y AQY1 AP W/OSYSCTRSVRLIC
Microsoft Corporation 9GS-00619 D 1Y AQY2 AP W/OSYSCTRSVRLIC