(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Intel Corporation CBDR-0509-000 ESASA CABLE
Intel Corporation CBDR-0521-000 EXTENDER CABLE
Intel Corporation CBLR-0682-000 ESATA CABLE
Intel Corporation CBLR-0696-000 X4 DATA CABLE
Intel Corporation CBP-0001-000 SCSI POWER CABLE
Intel Corporation CBPR-0410-200 IDE POWER CABLE
Intel Corporation CSAR-0100-000 SCSI TERMINATOR
Intel Corporation CSAR-0235-000 SCSI CONTROLLER
Intel Corporation CSAR-0248-000 SLIM DRIVE INSERT
Intel Corporation CSAR-0254-000 POWER SUPPLY
Intel Corporation CSAR-0267-000 MEMORY CARD READER
Intel Corporation CSAR-0270-000 MINI KEYBOARD
Intel Corporation CSAR-0288-000 HARD TRANSIT CASE
Intel Corporation F.GR-0016-000 LINUX IQ COPY
Intel Corporation F.GR-0038-900 EXPANSION BOX
Intel Corporation F.GR-0039-960 IDE ADAPTER
Intel Corporation F.GR-0055-100 RUGGEDIZED ACCESSORY KIT
Intel Corporation F,GR-0160-300 MEDIA MASSTER NVME M.2
Intel Corporation F.GR-0160-310 MEDIA MASSTER NVME M.2
Intel Corporation F.GR-0160-410 MEDA MASSTER NVME M.2 PRO