(866) 324-3460

With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Dell Technologies 818-6840 3YR PROSPT UPG TO 3YR PROSPT PLUS
Dell Technologies 818-6796 3YR BASIC ONSITE UPG TO 5YR PROSPT
Dell Technologies DELL DW316 DW316 SLIM DVDR DR USB
Dell Technologies 824-7874 WS 1YR BASIC ONSITE UPG TO 3YR PROSPT
Dell Technologies 824-7875 WS 1YR BASIC ONSITE UPG TO 5YR PROSPT
Dell Technologies 824-7877 WS 1YR BAS ONS UPG TO 3YR PROSPT PLUS
Dell Technologies 824-7871 WS 1Y NEXT BUS DAY TO 3Y NEXT BUS DAY
Dell Technologies 824-7878 WS 1YR BAS ONS UPG TO 5YR PROSPT PLUS
Dell Technologies PE-BP-15-20 PREMIER BP 15 PE1520P
Dell Technologies PE-BPS-15-20 PREMIER SLIM BP 15
Dell Technologies PO-BPS-15-20 PO1520PS PRO SLIM BP 15
Dell Technologies ES-SV-15-20 ES1520V ESSENTIAL SLEEVE 15
Dell Technologies ES-SV-13-20 ES1320V ESSENTIAL SLEEVE 13
Dell Technologies PO-BCS-15-20 PO1520CS PRO SLIM BRIEFCASE 15
Dell Technologies VNMPJ LATI 5300 I7/1.9 4C 13.3 8GB 256GB W10
Dell Technologies AG00-BK-US LATITUDE 7200 2IN1 KYBD
Dell Technologies 824-8547 LATI 3YR BAS ONS UPG TO 5YR PROSPT
Dell Technologies 824-7867 WS 3YR BASIC ONSITE UPG TO 3YR PROSPT
Dell Technologies 824-7869 WS 3YR BAS ONS UPG TO 3YR PROSPT PLUS