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With an extensive portfolio of products and comprehensive technical skills, Googoz delivers a solution-led and innovative approach to distribution to assist and support our reseller channel.

Brand Part No. Part Description Request Quote
Avago Technologies 6510-SVS-PCNDO-4 4YR PREM-CH NBD SUP BR-6510-24 48
Avago Technologies 6510-SVS-PCNDO-5 5YR PREM-CH NBD SUP BR-6510-24 48
Avago Technologies DCX8518-SVS-PCRTF-3 3YR PREM-CH RTN TO FAC SUP BR-DCX8518
Avago Technologies DCX8518-SVS-PCRTF-4 4YR PREM-CH RTN TO FAC SUP BR-DCX8518
Avago Technologies DCX8518-SVS-PCRTF-5 5YR PREM-CH RTN TO FAC SUP BR-DCX8518
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4OS-1 1YR PREM-CH 4HR SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4P-1 1YR PREM-CH 4HR PTS SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4OS-2 2YR PREM-CH 4HR SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4OS-3 3YR PREM-CH 4HR SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4OS-4 4YR PREM-CH 4HR SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4P-2 2YR PREM-CH 4HR PTS SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4P-3 3YR PREM-CH 4HR PTS SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies 6520-SVS-PC4P-4 4YR PREM-CH 4HR PTS SUP BR-6520 16G 8G
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-PNDO-4 4YR PREM NBD ONS SPT G620
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-PNDO-5 5YR PREM NBD ONS SPT G620
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-PRTF-3 3YR PREM RTN TO FAC SPT G620
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-P4P-4 4YR PREM 4HR PT ONLY SPT G620
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-PRTF-5 5YR PREM RTN TO FAC SPT G620
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-PNDO-1 1YR PREM NBD ONS SPT G620
Avago Technologies G620-SVS-PNDO-2 2YR PREM NBD ONS SPT G620